Multi Tenant Shopping Centers
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Multi Tenant Shopping Center Properties
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Multi Tenant Shopping Centers with local tenants are usually requested by buyers living in close proximity to the property.

Multi Tenant Shopping Centers: Property # 1055
Multi Tenant Shopping Centers Tenants:
Anchored by Local Tenants
Capitalization Rate (CAP): 9.80%
Asking Price: $12,250,000
Net Operating Income (NOI): $1,200,000
State Located: NM
Lease Terms: Anchors 10-20, Locals 5 years. 4-5 year options on Anchors, 1-5 year options on Locals.
Size of Building: 173,711 sq. ft.
Size of Lot: 31.5 acres
Financing Obligations: None
Additional Comments: Parking: 6.4 per 1,000'. 100% Leased.
Request for Package & Non-Exclusive Agreement: Buyers currently under agreement in our files, simply request more information. Buyers interested
in the above Multi Tenant Shopping Center and not yet under previous agreement, please request our agreement.

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This Multi Tenant Shopping Center is offered subject to prior placement, withdrawal, cancellation, or other conditions without prior notice.