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standard & poors aaa rating will assure a credit tenant, but be prepared for a lower return in exchange for this lower risk

standard & poors aaa rating property # 1153
Standard & Poors Aaa Rating Tenant:
Capitalization Rate (CAP): 9%
Asking Price: $5,715,000
Net Operating Income (NOI): $514,500 year 1-5, $540,500 year 6-10, $567,236 year 11-15, $595,236 year 16-20, $625,378 year 21-25 (option), $656,378 year 26-30 (option).
State Located: VA
Lease Terms: New (currently open) 20 years with two 5 year options.
Size of Building: 25,948 sq. ft.
Size of Lot: 3.017 acres
Financing Obligations: None
Additional Comments: 166 parking spaces.
Request for Package & Non-Exclusive Agreement: Buyers currently under agreement in our files, simply request more information. Buyers interested
in the above standard & poors aaa rating property and not yet under previous agreement, please request our agreement.

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