Class A Commercial Office Building
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Class A Commercial Office Buildings
Did you know...
Class A Commercial Office Building rents can be collected either on a gross basis with the landlord paying all the expenses, or, on a net basis with the tenant paying some or all of the expenses.

Class A Commercial Office Building Property # 1068
Class A Commercial Office Building Tenants:
Name of Tenant: Twin Tower Office Building
Capitalization Rate (CAP): 10.51%
Asking Price: $29,500,000
Net Operating Income (NOI): $3,100,000
State Located: CA
Lease Terms: Inquire
Size of Building: Inquire sq. ft.
Size of Lot: Inquire acres
Obligations: Inquire
Additional Comments: CAP Based on ACTUAL income, not forcasted. Occupancy Percantage is 70% only, leaving a 30% upside potential. Twin Tower, Granite & Glass, with Triple "A" tenants. Major Oil Company, Major Development Company, Major Title Company. Built in 1989.
Request for Package & Non-Exclusive Agreement: Buyers currently under agreement in our files, simply request more information. Buyers interested
in the above Class A Commercial Office Building and not yet under previous agreement, please request our agreement.

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Information contained herein has been obtained from sources that are deemed reliable. We have no reason to doubt the accuracy, however we do not guaranty it.
This Class A Commercial Office Building is offered subject to prior placement, withdrawal, cancellation, or other conditions without prior notice.