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Apartment Building properties of 100 units or more are the highest in demand, regardless of the grade of the Apartment Building.

Apartment Building Property # 1052
Apartment Building Name:
418 Unit Apartment Building
Average Capitalization Rate (CAP): 9.05%
Asking Price: $31,000,000
Development Stage: Phase I Completed March 1996. Phase II Construction Started For Completion February, 1997.
State Located: FL
Number of Units: 418 Total Units, Ph. I & Ph. II Phase I - 240 Apartments, 84 one bedroom, 120 two bedroom, 36 three bedroom, 102 detached garages. Phase II - 178 Apartments, 48 one bedroom, 107 two bedroom, 23 three bedroom, 70 detached garages.
Rental Summary: Phase I - 150 Units of the 240 units rented, balance of 90 units to be rented within 30-60 days. Phase II - Not applicable, construction in progress. sq. ft.
Average Rents Phase I: $825.00 per unit per month - $9,900 per annum, for the mix of 1,2, & 3 bedroom units, operating expenses including property taxes - $3,200 per annum per unit, net operating rental Phase I per annum: $1,608,000. acres
Square Footage Heated & Cooled:Square Footage Phase I - 239,916 sq ft excluding garages. Square footage Phase II - 182,133 sq ft excluding garages. Total square footage phase I & II - 442,049 sq ft heated & cooled. One bedroom units - 759 sq ft each, two bedroom units - 1,093 sq ft each, three bedroom units - 1,250 sq ft each.
Investment Price for phases I:$18,000,000. Projected CAP is 8.93%. MAI Appraisal Value is $18,000,000. Closing Date: Immediate.
Investment Price for phases II:$13,000,000. Projected CAP is 9.17%. MAI Appraisal Value is $13,000,000. Closing Date: To be determined with firm letter of committment.
Request for Package & Non-Exclusive Agreement: Buyers currently under agreement in our files, simply request more information. Buyers interested
in the above Apartment Building and not yet under previous agreement, please request our agreement.

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