Institutional Grade Buyers
Institutional Grade Buyers and why they enjoy our service
Immediate Results
We are able to bring to the surface Qualified Properties Direct and for sale by Principal Owners that would otherwise not be available to the general public. Many Owners of Qualified Properties prefer to sell their properties quietly and privately, without their Qualified Property being "shopped around". A confidential sale allows the Qualified Seller to NOT alarm employees, customers, creditors, etc.
We are able to bring to a Qualified Buyer properties that may be overlooked by a many brokers due to a lower commission being offered or no commission at all. Many brokers will not talk about properties offering a below market, or no commission simply for the reason that they can earn market commission on other properties. In many cases, we are able to negotiate a selling price that is less than the asking price which effectively washes the commission paid by the Buyer.
Our service is FREE, this has proven to be a win - win formula for both the Buyer and The National Real Estate Exchange Network.
We facilitate moving quickly
Most Buyers recognize the need to move quickly, especially if risking severe tax consequences when a replacement property is NOT located in time. Qualified Properties screened by The National Real Estate Exchange Network tend to close quickly. In most cases, immediate sources of financing are available, speeding the replacement process - unlike many types of lesser grade properties that require weeks of appraisal review. Generally, the procedure is as follows:
Firm Letter of Intent, with deposit,
14 Day Due Diligence period to follow
Under Contract to immediately follow the 7 days Letter of Intent and the 14 day Due Diligence periods.
Closing to take place as agreed under terms of the contract.
We Specialize in only one thing - Institutional Grade Investments. Here are some additional benefits Owners enjoy using The National Real Estate Exchange Network:
We work with only Qualified Sellers with Qualified Properties that meet our criteria. Our screening methods produce ONLY Qualified Sellers.
We market properties On-Line, complete with our very popular Executive Summary which can be printed out by waiting Buyers
We are a 24-Hour service and can be accessed by anyone using a computer to locate Qualified Properties
The National Real Estate Exchange Network is administered by Quee Martyn, a licensed Realtor, and a member of the National Association of Realtors - subscribing to a strict Code of Ethics and Ethical Standards
We provide a very deep database of Buyers, Sellers, and Brokers specializing in Investment Grade Properties.
Since our business is time sensitive, we provide immediate reply to messages.
We maintain a strict level of confidentiality with clients and agents. This is through non-circumvention and non-disclosure agreements. Further release of information generally is done only after a Letter of Intent is received.
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